ACL2 Infix Version 1.9
Miscellaneous Notes

After downloading the infix files you should have a directory containing the following files and directories:
The following variables need to be reset in the make file:
 BINDIR = /home/mksmith/bin           : where you want to store the
                                        scripts that start things up
 INCDIR = /usr/cli/projects/cacl2     : typically, this directory.
 VERSION = /import                    : this can be an empty string or
                                        the name of the current dir,
					if INCDIR is set to its parent.
Then, just do a make. TO RUN: Simplest, is to get into the infix dir and
axiom% runacl2 ...
which will load an init.lsp file that loads the infix code and an acl2-configuration file that sets infixp to T. Miscellaneous notes.
From: moore (J Strother Moore)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 96 22:27:18 CDT
To: MkSmith
Subject: /slocal/src/acl2/v1-9/infix/acl2-sources/INFIX-README

Ok, I think it works well enough for you to experiment with.
The INFIX-README file has been changed slightly but is basically
what I showed you.

Here is a session.  I have put some comments in **** boxes.

duck% /slocal/src/acl2/v1-9/infix/acl2-sources/saved_acl2
GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  Version(2.2) Tue Dec 12 17:43:47 CST 1995
Licensed under GNU Public Library License
Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter

 ACL2 Version 1.9 built June 5, 1996  20:41:55.
 See :doc note9 for recent changes.

 NOTE!!  Proof trees are disabled in ACL2.  To enable them in emacs,
 look under the ACL2 source directory in interface/emacs/README.doc; 
 and, to turn on proof trees, execute :START-PROOF-TREE in the ACL2 
 command loop.   Look in the ACL2 documentation under PROOF-TREE.

ACL2 Version 1.9.  Level 1.  Cbd "/home3/moore/".
Type :help for help.

* Infix syntax can be turned on and off.  Initially it is on.                 *

ACL2 !>$ (car '(a b c))
ACL2 !>$ (assign infixp nil)
ACL2 !>(car '(a b c))
ACL2 !>(assign infixp t)
* Here is a definition.  Note that the output prints in lower case with a     *
* dollar sign, showing that it is being printed by my stubbed out infix       *
* printer.  Some stuff, like the runes, are printed as objects not terms.     *

ACL2 !>$ (defun app (x y) (if (consp x) (cons (car x)(app (cdr x) y)) y))

The admission of APP is trivial, using the relation E0-ORD-< (which
is known to be well-founded on the domain recognized by E0-ORDINALP)
and the measure $ (acl2-count x).  We observe that the type of APP
is described by the theorem $ (or (consp (app x y)) (equal (app x y) y)).
We used primitive type reasoning.

Form:  ( DEFUN APP ...)
Warnings:  None
Time:  0.43 seconds (prove: 0.00, print: 0.03, other: 0.40)

* Another definition.                                                         *

ACL2 !>$ (defun rev (x) (if (consp x) (app (rev (cdr x))(list (car x))) nil))

The admission of REV is trivial, using the relation E0-ORD-< (which
is known to be well-founded on the domain recognized by E0-ORDINALP)
and the measure $ (acl2-count x).  We observe that the type of REV
is described by the theorem $ (or (consp (rev x)) (equal (rev x) nil)).
We used the :type-prescription rule APP and primitive type reasoning.

Form:  ( DEFUN REV ...)
Warnings:  None
Time:  0.03 seconds (prove: 0.00, print: 0.02, other: 0.02)

* Ok, now a theorem.  Note the lower case terms printed.  You will note two   *
* problems immediately.  One is that some terms are printed as objects, e.g., *
* (:P X) in the induction scheme message should be $ (:p x) but I apparently  *
* forgot to untranslate it in the original code and so I missed it when I     *
* went through to find the places I print terms.  Any place you see an upper  *
* case term printed without a $ you know I missed an occurrence.  There are   *
* several and I'll have to handle them when I get back.                       *
*                                                                             *
* The other problem is that the period at the end of each formula is on a new *
* line.  That's because the spec of my stubbed out infix prettyprinter is to  *
* end with a newline but I sometimes then print a period.  You might want to  *
* allow the prettyprinter to be passed a punctuation char (or nil) which it   *
* prints at the end, before its newline.  But I'll have to add the appropriate*
* stuff to my code to exploit your new feature.  In the meantime, you'll have *
* to just live with these silly punctuation marks.  Sorry I didn't think of   *
* that earlier.                                                               *
*                                                                             *
* By and large though, most terms are being printed where I want.             *

ACL2 !>$ (thm (implies (true-listp x) (equal (rev (rev x)) x)))

Name the formula above *1.

Perhaps we can prove *1 by induction.  Two induction schemes are suggested
by this conjecture.  Subsumption reduces that number to one.  

We will induct according to a scheme suggested by (REV X).  If we let
 (:P X) denote *1 above then the induction scheme we'll use is
$ (and (implies (not (consp x)) (:p x))
       (implies (and (consp x) (:p (cdr x))) (:p x)))
This induction is justified by the same argument used to admit REV,
namely, the measure (ACL2-COUNT X) is decreasing according to the relation
E0-ORD-< (which is known to be well-founded on the domain recognized
by E0-ORDINALP).  When applied to the goal at hand the above induction
scheme produces the following three nontautological subgoals.

Subgoal *1/3
$ (implies (and (not (consp x)) (true-listp x))
           (equal (rev (rev x)) x))

But simplification reduces this to T, using the :executable-counterparts
of REV, EQUAL and CONSP, primitive type reasoning and the :definition

Subgoal *1/2
$ (implies (and (consp x) (equal (rev (rev (cdr x))) (cdr x))
                (true-listp x))
           (equal (rev (rev x)) x))

This simplifies, using the :definitions TRUE-LISTP and REV, to

Subgoal *1/2'
$ (implies (and (consp x) (equal (rev (rev (cdr x))) (cdr x))
                (true-listp (cdr x)))
           (equal (rev (app (rev (cdr x)) (list (car x)))) x))

The destructor terms (CAR X) and (CDR X) can be eliminated by using
CAR-CDR-ELIM to replace X by (CONS X1 X2), generalizing $ (car x) to
X1 and $ (cdr x) to X2.  This produces the following goal.

Subgoal *1/2''
$ (implies (and (consp (cons x1 x2)) (equal (rev (rev x2)) x2)
                (true-listp x2))
           (equal (rev (app (rev x2) (list x1))) (cons x1 x2)))

This simplifies, using the :type-prescription rule REV and primitive
type reasoning, to

Subgoal *1/2'''
$ (implies (and (equal (rev (rev x2)) x2) (true-listp x2))
           (equal (rev (app (rev x2) (list x1))) (cons x1 x2)))

We now use the first hypothesis by cross-fertilizing $ (rev (rev x2))
for $ x2 and throwing away the hypothesis.  This produces

Subgoal *1/2'4'
$ (implies (true-listp x2)
           (equal (rev (app (rev x2) (list x1)))
                  (cons x1 (rev (rev x2)))))

We generalize this conjecture, replacing $ (rev x2) by RV.  This produces

Subgoal *1/2'5'
$ (implies (true-listp x2)
           (equal (rev (app rv (list x1))) (cons x1 (rev rv))))

We suspect that the term $ (true-listp x2) is irrelevant to the truth
of this conjecture and throw it out.  We will thus try to prove

Subgoal *1/2'6'
$ (equal (rev (app rv (list x1))) (cons x1 (rev rv)))

Name the formula above *1.1.

Subgoal *1/1
$ (implies (and (consp x) (not (true-listp (cdr x))) (true-listp x))
           (equal (rev (rev x)) x))

But we reduce the conjecture to T, by primitive type reasoning.

So we now return to *1.1, which is

       (CONS X1 (REV RV))).

Perhaps we can prove *1.1 by induction.  Two induction schemes are
suggested by this conjecture.  Subsumption reduces that number to one.

We will induct according to a scheme suggested by (REV RV).  If we
let  (:P RV X1) denote *1.1 above then the induction scheme we'll use
$ (and (implies (not (consp rv)) (:p rv x1))
       (implies (and (consp rv) (:p (cdr rv) x1)) (:p rv x1)))
This induction is justified by the same argument used to admit REV,
namely, the measure (ACL2-COUNT RV) is decreasing according to the
relation E0-ORD-< (which is known to be well-founded on the domain
recognized by E0-ORDINALP).  When applied to the goal at hand the above
induction scheme produces the following two nontautological subgoals.

Subgoal *1.1/2
$ (implies (not (consp rv))
           (equal (rev (app rv (list x1))) (cons x1 (rev rv))))

But simplification reduces this to T, using the :definitions REV and
APP, primitive type reasoning, the :rewrite rules CAR-CONS and CDR-
CONS and the :executable-counterparts of CONSP and REV.

Subgoal *1.1/1
$ (implies (and (consp rv)
                (equal (rev (app (cdr rv) (list x1)))
                       (cons x1 (rev (cdr rv)))))
           (equal (rev (app rv (list x1))) (cons x1 (rev rv))))

But simplification reduces this to T, using the :definitions REV and
APP, primitive type reasoning and the :rewrite rules CAR-CONS and CDR-

That completes the proofs of *1.1 and *1.


Form:  ( THM ...)
        (:ELIM CAR-CDR-ELIM)
        (:DEFINITION APP))
Warnings:  None
Time:  0.77 seconds (prove: 0.52, print: 0.10, other: 0.15)

Proof succeeded.
ACL2 !>


The four functions are

(defun parse-infix (file eof) ...)
(defun ppr-infix (x width rpc col file eviscp) ...)
(defun flat-infix (x file eviscp) ...)
(defun flatsize-infix (x j max eviscp) ...)

You can use meta-. to find the current definitions and read the comments that
tell you what the expected functionality is.

(defun parse-infix (file eof)

; File is an open input file.  Eof is an arbitrary lisp object.  If file is
; empty, return eof.  This way we can repeatedly parse forms from a file until
; we get back the eof object.  Otherwise, parse one well-formed expression from
; file and return the corresponding s-expr.  If the file is exhausted before
; the parse finishes or if the parse is unsuccessful, cause a hard lisp error.

; In the current hackish implementation, the infix language is just a dollar
; sign followed by the s-expr.

  (let (dollar sexpr)
    (setq dollar (read file nil eof))
    (cond ((eq dollar eof) eof)
          ((eq dollar '$)
; The following read could cause an error if the user types bad lisp syntax.
           (setq sexpr (read file nil eof))
           (cond ((eq sexpr eof)
                  (error "Ill-formed infix input.  File ended on a $"))
                 (t sexpr)))
          (t (error
              "Ill-formed infix input.  You were supposed to type a $ ~
               followed by an s-expression and you typed ~s instead."

(defun ppr-infix (x width rpc col file eviscp)

; X is an s-expression denoting a term.  File is an open output file.
; Prettyprint x in infix notation to file.  End with a newline.  If eviscp is t
; then we are to give special treatment to the :evisceration-mark; otherwise
; not.

; This hook is modeled after the ACL2 pretty-printer, which has the following
; additional features.  These features need not be implemented in the infix
; prettyprinter.  The printer is assumed to be in column col, where col=0 means
; it is on the left margin.  We are supposed to print our first character in
; that column.  We are supposed to print in a field of width width.  That is,
; the largest column into which we might print is col+width-2.  Finally, assume
; that on the last line of the output somebody is going to write rpc additional
; characters and arrange for this not to overflow the col+width-2 limit.  Rpc
; is used when, for example, we plan to print some punctuation, like a comma,
; after a form and want to insure that we can do it without overflowing the
; right margin.  (One might think that the desired effect could be obtained by
; setting width smaller, but that is wrong because it narrows the whole field
; and we only want to guarantee space on the last line.)  Here is an example.
; Use ctrl-x = in emacs to see what columns things are in.  The semi-colons are
; in column 0.  Pretend they are all spaces, as they would be if the printing
; had been done by fmt-ppr.

; (foobar
;   (here is a long arg)
;   a)                  

; Here, col = 2, width = 23, and rpc = 19!

; Infix Hack:
; We simply print out $ followed by the expression.  We print the
; expression in lower-case.

  (declare (ignore width rpc col eviscp))
  (let ((*print-case* :downcase)
        (*print-pretty* t))
    (princ "$ " file)
    (prin1 x file)
    (terpri file)))

(defun flat-infix (x file eviscp)

; Print x flat (without terpri's) in infix notation to the open output file
; file.  Give special treatment to :evisceration-mark iff eviscp.  We only call
; this function if flatsize-infix assures us that x will fit on the line.

  (declare (ignore eviscp))
  (let ((*print-case* :downcase)
        (*print-pretty* nil))
    (princ "$ " file)
    (prin1 x file)))

(defun flatsize-infix (x j max eviscp)

; Suppose that printing x flat in infix notation causes k characters to come
; out.  Then we return j+k.  All answers greater than max are equivalent.

; If you think of j as the column into which you start printing flat,
; then this returns the column you'll print into after printing x.
; If that column exceeds max, which is the right margin, then it doesn't
; matter by how far it exceeds max.

; Infix Hack:  Our flat output has two extra chars in it, the $ and space.

  (+ 2 (flsz1 x j max *the-live-state* eviscp))
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