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The exhaustive-case macro is somewhat analagous to the CLtL macro ecase, except that it generates a guard-conjecture asserting that the case clauses are an exhaustive enumeration of the possible values of the case selector expression.

This works by introducing the function forced-member, which takes arguments like member, but has a guard asserting that its first argument is a member of its second argument. The macro exhaustive-case expands into a call to the regular case macro and a call to forced-member. Here's an example:

(ecase (foo x) (:alpha (foo1 x)) (:bravo (foo2 x)))

expands into

(and (forced-member (foo x) '(:alpha bravo)) (case (foo x) (:alpha (foo1 x)) (:bravo (foo2 x))))

(in-package "ACL2")

(defun legal-ecase-clause-p (clause) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (and (consp clause) (if (atom (car clause)) (and (eqlablep (car clause)) (not (member (car clause) '(t otherwise)))) (and (eqlable-listp (car clause)) (not (member 't (car clause))) (not (member 'otherwise (car clause))))) (consp (cdr clause)) (null (cdr (cdr clause)))))

(defun legal-ecase-clauses-p (clauses) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (if (atom clauses) (eq clauses nil) (and (legal-ecase-clause-p (car clauses)) (legal-ecase-clauses-p (cdr clauses)))))

Note that the symbols T and OTHERWISE are not allowed keys in an ECASE clause.

(defun strip-ecase (clause)
  (declare (xargs :guard (legal-ecase-clause-p clause)))
  (if (atom (car clause))
      (list (car clause))
    (car clause)))

#+IGNORE-IN-BOOK (thm (implies (legal-ecase-clause-p clause) (eqlable-listp (strip-ecase clause))))

(defun strip-ecases (clauses) (declare (xargs :guard (legal-ecase-clauses-p clauses))) (if (atom clauses) nil (append (strip-ecase (car clauses)) (strip-ecases (cdr clauses)))))

#+IGNORE-IN-BOOK (thm (implies (legal-ecase-clauses-p clauses) (eqlable-listp (strip-ecases clauses))))

(defun forced-member (elt list) (declare (xargs :guard (and (eqlable-listp list) (member elt list)))) t)

(defmacro exhaustive-case (selector \&rest clauses) (declare (xargs :guard (legal-ecase-clauses-p clauses))) (let ((legal-keys (strip-ecases clauses))) `(and (eqlablep ,selector) (forced-member ,selector ',legal-keys) (case ,selector ,@clauses))))

Here's an example of a function whose guard proofs will succeed, and one whose guard proofs will fail.

(defun good-foo (arg) (declare (xargs :guard (member (f arg) '(:alpha :bravo)))) (exhaustive-case (f x) (:alpha 1) (:bravo 2)))

(defun bad-foo (arg) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (exhaustive-case (f arg) (:alpha 1) (:bravo 2)))

The guard conjecture generated by exhaustive-case above can be proven if

(member (f x) '(:alpha :bravo))

can be proven. Thus, if the function F is disabled, the lemma

(defthm f-enumeration-rule (member (f x) (f-enumeration)))

assuming the definition

(defun f-enumeration () '(:alpha :bravo))

would suffice for the guard proof to succeed automatically.

This page is URL http://www.computationallogic.com/software/djvm/html-0.5/ecase.html