The FM9001 Microprocessor:
Its Formal Specification and
Mechanical Correctness Proof
A photograph of the die plot for the FM9001.
Bishop C. Brock and Warren A. Hunt, Jr.,
Computational Logic, Inc.
Fall, 1994
The FM9001 Public Software License
To insure its safe public distribution, the FM9001 software is issued
under a license. Potential users
should review the license before obtaining the FM9001 software. The
FM9001 software is copyright (C) 1990-1994 by Computational Logic,
Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Obtaining the FM9001 System
To obtain the FM9001 system, which includes the definition of the
DUAL-EVAL formal hardware description language, connect to Internet
site by anonymous ftp, giving your email address as the
password. There are both compressed and gzipped versions available.
For the gzipped version `get' the file /pub/fm9001/fm9001.tar.gz,
unzip with gunzip, extract with tar xfv fm9001.tar, and follow the
instructions in the next section of this file. Remember to use
`binary' mode when transferring the file. For the compressed version,
`get' the file /pub/fm9001/fm9001.tar.Z, uncompress with uncompress,
and extract with tar xvf fm9001.tar. Alternatively, get either of the
URLs or via your WWW browser.
The FM9001 Specification and Proof
In the directory produced by extracting the files from fm9001.tar are
the files for the FM9001 microprocessor specification along with the
commands for producing the mechanical proof of correctness of the
FM9001 using the Nqthm-1992 theorem-proving system. All the files are
authored by Bishop Brock and Warren Hunt unless otherwise noted in a
To run the proofs, and thereby create not only proof scripts but also
library files, execute the command
(with-open-file (*standard-output* "nqthm-proof-output"
:direction :output
:if-exists :rename-and-delete)
(load "sysdef.lisp"))
from within Nqthm-1992.
After this proof run has completed it is possible to load the created
libraries. See the file sysload.lisp.
Published Documentation
The FM9001 microprocessor and the proof of its correctness are described
- Hunt, W.A., and Brock, B.C., A Formal HDL and Its Use in the FM9001
Verification, in "Mechanized Reasoning and Hardware Design",
C. Hoare and M. Gordon, eds., Prentice Hall, 35-47, 1992. First
published in "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London", Series A, Vol. 339, 1992.
- Brock, B.C., Hunt, W.A., Young, W.D., Introduction to a Formally
Defined Hardware Description Language, in "Theorem Provers in
Circuit Design", V. Stavridou, T. Melham, and R. Boute, eds.,
North-Holland, 3-35, 1992.
- CLI Technical Report 86
(1410 pages, 4,026,424 bytes)
provides the entire formal specification of the FM9001, the netlist
used for fabricating the FM9001, all of the Nqthm commands used in the
verification of the FM9001, and extensive commentary on the
specifications and commands.
The FM9001 implementation is defined via the DUAL-EVAL hardware
description language. DUAL-EVAL provides a general-purpose
interpreter-based simulator semantics for sequential hardware designs
(Mealy machines). The DUAL-EVAL system provides a means for
hierarchical verification of Mealy machines. The verification of the
FM9001 implementation was performed by hierarchically verifying that
the many different Mealy machines that comprise the implementation
successfully cooperate to implement the behavioral-level FM9001
specification. The process of executing the FM9001 proofs, as
described above, results in the construction of reusable libraries for
the verification of other hardware designs described in the DUAL-EVAL
language. To commence a new DUAL-EVAL based hardware verification
effort, it suffices to initialize Nqthm with the DUAL-EVAL library by
the two commands:
(load "sysload.lisp")
(note-lib "dual-eval" t)
For some simple example circuits expressed in the DUAL-EVAL language,
see the two files and These
example circuits are not part of the FM9001 implementation, even
though they are included in the FM9001 proof scripts. These example
files may be loaded after executing the two commands above. In the
files and are recognizers for
the DUAL-EVAL language. The primitives for the DUAL-EVAL language
are defined in the file primp-database.lisp.
FM9001 Overview
A brief overview of the FM9001 project
is available.
To aid the reader in comprehending the various levels of the FM9001
specification, we have extracted some definitions from the result of
evaluating the entire proof script (which is composed of most of the
FM9001 files). Here are the names of these summary files
and the levels of which they are summaries:
At the beginning of the file a summary of the
instruction set of the FM9001 may be found. The file contains a simple assembler and a few example
programs for execution on the FM9001 by the high level specification.
The external memory model is axiomatized in the file
The most important theorems proved about the FM9001 are contained
in the following files.
- --
the principal result that the netlist implements the high level
- --
the monotonicity of the DUAL-EVAL HDL
- --
that the processor can be reset and a more refined version of
lemmas from
- --
that the netlist is well-formed
- --
correctness of the ALU wrt natural number and integer operations
- --
correctness of arithmetic flag results
- --
refinements of
To produce the file of NDL (LSI Logic's Netlist Description Language)
that was supplied to LSI Logic, Inc. to fabricate the FM9001 as an
ASIC, see the file translate.lisp. This will generate the actual
netlist used by LSI Logic, Inc. to produce working FM9001s.
Note: the total fabrication process includes more than this netlist.
Not included are other things we generated for LSI Logic, such as post
fabrication test vectors, simulation files, package pin assignments,
nor stuck-at fault vector generation and fault grading files.
Physical Testing
In CLI Technical Report 90, we
document our post-fabrication testing of the physical device. The
testing included both executing FM9001 machine code and also low-level
testing with a Tektronix LV500 chip tester. To date, all tests have
confirmed that the FM9001 behaves as formally specified.
Here are some digitized photographs of our testing jigs.
The CLI Stack
The FM9001 is the foundation of the CLI Stack, which also includes
these pieces of software verified with Nqthm:
- the Piton assembler,
- the micro-Gypsy compiler,
- a compiler for a very small subset of the Nqthm logic, and
- several software applications, including a program that
wins at the game Nim, if possible.
Documentation for these pieces of verified software may be found in
CLI technical reports 22, 30, 33,
34, 74, 78, and 83.
You may obtain Boyer and Moore's prover Nqthm, (the system documented
in their book `A Computational Logic Handbook,' Academic Press, 1988)
via anonymous ftp from Internet site ( `cd'
to pub/nqthm, `get' the file README, and follow the directions.
(For Nqthm-1992 purists -- To produce from the FM9001 libraries a
single event file that can be processed by the Nqthm-1992 command
PROVE-FILE, see the two final, commented-out forms in the file

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